Paolo Munar

The Wealthy Are Building “Passport Portfolios” With Multiple Citizenships In Case They Need To Flee Their Home Country

Key Points:

  • Wealthy individuals are obtaining additional citizenships to prepare for the need to relocate.
  • High-profile figures like Peter Thiel and Eric Schmidt have secured citizenships in New Zealand and Cyprus, respectively.
  •  Popular destinations for these “golden visas” include Portugal, Malta, Greece, and Italy. Portugal’s program is notably favored due to its path to European residency and citizenship.

The wealthy are taking unprecedented steps to ensure their future in an era marked by unpredictability. With wealthy individuals acquiring multiple citizenships to ensure that they have a safe haven in times of need, the concept of portfolios of passports has emerged as a strategic solution.

The Rise of Passport Portfolios

The trend of building passport portfolios is not just about possessing a collection of travel documents; it’s a sophisticated form of insurance against political, economic, and social instability. To mitigate the risks associated with the volatility of their home country, high-net-worth individuals diversify their citizenship in a way similar to that of their investment portfolios.

Investment Migration: A Path to Multiple Citizenships

Countries like Portugal, Malta, Greece, and Italy are emerging as a magnet for investment migration because they offer golden visa programs. In exchange for significant investments, such as in real estate or national funds, these initiatives provide a pathway to permanent residence and, eventually, citizenship. For example, the 500,000 euro investment needed for Portugal's Golden Visa is to allow visa free travel in all of Europe as well as a possible route into EU citizenship.

Strategic Benefits Beyond Borders

The benefits of holding multiple citizenships extend beyond security. They offer enhanced mobility, ease of travel, and access to living, working, and learning on all continents. For the wealthy, this means unparalleled freedom and opportunity for their families, including access to international education and health care systems.

A Response to Global Instability

The increased interest in passport portfolios comes directly from the growing global instability. The rich are seeking more than financial returns from pandemics, climate change, and political turmoil; they seek a sense of peace in rapidly changing times. As the world navigates through turbulent times, the wealthy are leading the way in securing their global mobility and safety.

Passport portfolios have become a symbol of the ultimate hedge, providing a lifeline beyond monetary value. An increase in investment migration is recasting the concept of nationality, prioritizing personal safety and freedom over traditional notions of citizenship.

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